Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Step 1: Getting, Installing and Setting Up STM32CubeMX

Picture of Getting, Installing and Setting Up STM32CubeMX
Getting STM32CubeMX:
  1. Open this STM32Cube page in new Tab.
  2. Click on "Get Software" button, the light blue one, last of three inline. This will take you to the bottom of the page.
  3. Again click on "Get Software" button in row of STM32CubeMX.
  4. This will take you to the Login page. If you have already signed up then please Login and if not then Register. This Registration step is very easy you just have to fill the form and verify the email later on.
  5. Once Registration is done, downloading of software will start automatically. If not then click on "Get Software" again (while logged in).
Installing STM32CubeMX and downloading all required packages:
  1. Extract the downloaded .zip file.
  2. Open extracted folder. Start the .exe file.
  3. If asked, Click "Run" or "Yes" or both.
  4. This will start STM32CubeMX installation. Click Next.
  5. Accept licence Aggrement and "Click Next".
  6. Select where to install and "Click Next". If asked that directory will be created, click "OK".
  7. Select from these option and "Click Next".
  8. This will start installation. Wait for it.
  9. When done, "Click Next".
  10. "Click Done".
Installing required Packages:
  1. Start STM32CubeMX
  2. Click "Help > Install New Libraries" [Alt+U]
  3. Based on which Board you are using you need to update the firmware.
  4. Let's say you are working STM32F103 then select latest version of "Firmware Package for Family STM32F1" under "STM32CubeF1 Releases" .
  5. Click "Install Now".
  6. This will start downloading and installing.
  7. It will install the packages and then close STM32CubeMX.

Step 2: Getting, Installing and Setting Up Keil for ARM

Picture of Getting, Installing and Setting Up Keil for ARM
Keil (uVision5):
  1. Open this MDK-ARM Keil in new Tab.
  2. Fill out the form with your details and click submit. This will take you to the keil arm download page.
  3. Click on MDKxxx.exe. This will start downloading the program.
Installing keil uVision 5 (Keil for ARM):
  1. Start the downloaded Setup.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Click on check box next to "I agree to all...". and Click Next.
  4. Select where to install. When selected, click Next.
  5. Enter your details and click Next.
  6. Now, installation will start, wait for it.
  7. After some time, it will complete installation. Un-check the "show release notes" checkbox and click "Finish".
Installing Packages:
  1. Start Keil as administator.
  2. Click on Pack Installer in the main window and new windows will open.
  3. Click on the Pack >> Check for the Updates. This will check for the updates from the internet.
  4. Select the STMicroelectronics in the Devices Tab.
  5. Install/Update following components. (In case of STMF1, chose for your board accordingly)
    1. Device Specific:
      • Keil::STM32F1xx_DFP
      • Keil::STM32NUCLEO_BSP
    2. Generic:
      • ARM::CMSIS
      • ARM::CMSIS-Driver_Validation
      • ARM::CMSIS-RTOS_Validation
      • Keil::ARM_Compiler
      • Keil::MDK-Middleware
  6. Close the Pack Installer and Exit Keil.

Step 3: Getting and Installing ST-Link Drivers

Picture of Getting and Installing ST-Link Drivers
STM32 Eval Board come with on-board ST-LINK Debugger. But, in order to establish that link between Board and PC\Keil we need to install drivers. To install these drivers follow the following steps:
ST-Link Drivers:
  1. Open this driver download page in new Tab.
  2. Click on "Get Software" button.
  3. This will take you to the bottom of the page.
  4. Click on "Get Software" button again.Login \ Register.
  5. Download. (If doesn't start automatically, click on bottom "Get Software" button, again.)
Installing ST-Link Drivers:
  1. Extract the downloaded folder. (Maybe "en.stsw-link009").
  2. Now, if your system is 32-bit start "dpinst_x86.exe" if 64-bit start "dpinst_amd64.exe".
  3. Select "Run" or "Next" or both. This will bring you to the device driver installation wizard.
  4. "Click Next".
  5. If asked, "Click Install".
  6. When installation is finished, "Click Finish".

Friday, March 16, 2018

Perform Clean Install of Windows 10 on Dell Inspiron Gaming 7000 7577

Dell laptops are no where near as full of bloatware from the manufacturer as some others but they still do come with a lot of crap to get rid of. The cleanest and simplest thing to do if you buy one is to just format the machine and reinstall Windows 10.
The problem is there’s no install media provided.
First off, some things you should note:
  • Most models come with the M.2 SSD drive which requires drivers during windows install.
  • You won’t require your Windows 10 key from the old install. It is no longer on a label stuck to the machine unfortunately, it is stored in one of the chips on the motherboard. The installer will pick up the key automatically.


  1. Download and run the official Windows 10 tool https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10 to create a bootable USB stick.
  2. The above tool will take some time but once it has finished you will need to download the Intel drivers for the SSD else you won’t be able to get that drive listed during the Windows 10 install. Get the SSD drivers named f6flpy-x64.zip (64-bit Operating System) here:  https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/27147/Intel-Rapid-Storage-Technology-Intel-RST-?v=t
  3. Unzip the intel drivers into a directory on your USB memory stick.
  4. Restart the laptop and press the F12 key during boot to get to the boot menu.
  5. Select your USB stick to boot from and follow the instructions.
  6. When it comes to selecting a hard drive to install windows to make sure to click the CD icon and navigate to your driver directory on the USB stick and install the SSD drivers.
  7. Delete all the partitions on both HDD and SSD.
  8. Create a new partition on the SSD and go ahead and install windows as normal.
  9. Once Windows is installed you’ll also want to use disk management to setup the HDD and then you’ll be good to go.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018



* PTM Low Power 22nm Metal Gate / High-K / Strained-Si
* nominal Vdd = 0.95V

.model  nmos  nmos  level = 54

+version = 4.0             binunit = 1               paramchk= 1               mobmod  = 0             
+capmod  = 2               igcmod  = 1               igbmod  = 1               geomod  = 1             
+diomod  = 1               rdsmod  = 0               rbodymod= 1               rgatemod= 1             
+permod  = 1               acnqsmod= 0               trnqsmod= 0             

+tnom    = 27              toxe    = 1.4e-009        toxp    = 1.1e-009        toxm    = 1.4e-009      
+dtox    = 3e-010          epsrox  = 3.9             wint    = 5e-009          lint    = 0             
+ll      = 0               wl      = 0               lln     = 1               wln     = 1             
+lw      = 0               ww      = 0               lwn     = 1               wwn     = 1             
+lwl     = 0               wwl     = 0               xpart   = 0               toxref  = 1.4e-009      

+vth0    = 0.68858         k1      = 0.4             k2      = 0               k3      = 0             
+k3b     = 0               w0      = 2.5e-006        dvt0    = 1               dvt1    = 2             
+dvt2    = 0               dvt0w   = 0               dvt1w   = 0               dvt2w   = 0             
+dsub    = 0.1             minv    = 0.05            voffl   = 0               dvtp0   = 1e-011        
+dvtp1   = 0.1             lpe0    = 0               lpeb    = 0               xj      = 7.2e-009      
+ngate   = 1e+023          ndep    = 5.5e+018        nsd     = 2e+020          phin    = 0             
+cdsc    = 0               cdscb   = 0               cdscd   = 0               cit     = 0             
+voff    = -0.1092         nfactor = 1.6             eta0    = 0.0105          etab    = 0             
+vfb     = -0.55           u0      = 0.035           ua      = 6e-010          ub      = 1.2e-018      
+uc      = 0               vsat    = 170000          a0      = 1               ags     = 0             
+a1      = 0               a2      = 1               b0      = 0               b1      = 0             
+keta    = 0.04            dwg     = 0               dwb     = 0               pclm    = 0.02          
+pdiblc1 = 0.001           pdiblc2 = 0.001           pdiblcb = -0.005          drout   = 0.5           
+pvag    = 1e-020          delta   = 0.01            pscbe1  = 8.14e+008       pscbe2  = 1e-007        
+fprout  = 0.2             pdits   = 0.01            pditsd  = 0.23            pditsl  = 2300000       
+rsh     = 5               rdsw    = 180             rsw     = 75              rdw     = 75            
+rdswmin = 0               rdwmin  = 0               rswmin  = 0               prwg    = 0             
+prwb    = 0               wr      = 1               alpha0  = 0.074           alpha1  = 0.005         
+beta0   = 30              agidl   = 0.0002          bgidl   = 2.1e+009        cgidl   = 0.0002        
+egidl   = 0.8             aigbacc = 0.012           bigbacc = 0.0028          cigbacc = 0.002         
+nigbacc = 1               aigbinv = 0.014           bigbinv = 0.004           cigbinv = 0.004         
+eigbinv = 1.1             nigbinv = 3               aigc    = 0.015211        bigc    = 0.0027432     
+cigc    = 0.002           aigsd   = 0.015211        bigsd   = 0.0027432       cigsd   = 0.002         
+nigc    = 1               poxedge = 1               pigcd   = 1               ntox    = 1             
+xrcrg1  = 12              xrcrg2  = 5             

+cgso    = 6.5e-011        cgdo    = 6.5e-011        cgbo    = 2.56e-011       cgdl    = 2.653e-010    
+cgsl    = 2.653e-010      ckappas = 0.03            ckappad = 0.03            acde    = 1             
+moin    = 15              noff    = 0.9             voffcv  = 0.02          

+kt1     = -0.11           kt1l    = 0               kt2     = 0.022           ute     = -1.5          
+ua1     = 4.31e-009       ub1     = 7.61e-018       uc1     = -5.6e-011       prt     = 0             
+at      = 33000         

+fnoimod = 1               tnoimod = 0             

+jss     = 0.0001          jsws    = 1e-011          jswgs   = 1e-010          njs     = 1             
+ijthsfwd= 0.01            ijthsrev= 0.001           bvs     = 10              xjbvs   = 1             
+jsd     = 0.0001          jswd    = 1e-011          jswgd   = 1e-010          njd     = 1             
+ijthdfwd= 0.01            ijthdrev= 0.001           bvd     = 10              xjbvd   = 1             
+pbs     = 1               cjs     = 0.0005          mjs     = 0.5             pbsws   = 1             
+cjsws   = 5e-010          mjsws   = 0.33            pbswgs  = 1               cjswgs  = 3e-010        
+mjswgs  = 0.33            pbd     = 1               cjd     = 0.0005          mjd     = 0.5           
+pbswd   = 1               cjswd   = 5e-010          mjswd   = 0.33            pbswgd  = 1             
+cjswgd  = 5e-010          mjswgd  = 0.33            tpb     = 0.005           tcj     = 0.001         
+tpbsw   = 0.005           tcjsw   = 0.001           tpbswg  = 0.005           tcjswg  = 0.001         
+xtis    = 3               xtid    = 3             

+dmcg    = 0               dmci    = 0               dmdg    = 0               dmcgt   = 0             
+dwj     = 0               xgw     = 0               xgl     = 0             

+rshg    = 0.4             gbmin   = 1e-010          rbpb    = 5               rbpd    = 15            
+rbps    = 15              rbdb    = 15              rbsb    = 15              ngcon   = 1             

.model  pmos  pmos  level = 54

+version = 4.0             binunit = 1               paramchk= 1               mobmod  = 0             
+capmod  = 2               igcmod  = 1               igbmod  = 1               geomod  = 1             
+diomod  = 1               rdsmod  = 0               rbodymod= 1               rgatemod= 1             
+permod  = 1               acnqsmod= 0               trnqsmod= 0             

+tnom    = 27              toxe    = 1.4e-009        toxp    = 1.08e-009       toxm    = 1.42e-009     
+dtox    = 3.2e-010        epsrox  = 3.9             wint    = 5e-009          lint    = 0             
+ll      = 0               wl      = 0               lln     = 1               wln     = 1             
+lw      = 0               ww      = 0               lwn     = 1               wwn     = 1             
+lwl     = 0               wwl     = 0               xpart   = 0               toxref  = 1.42e-009     

+vth0    = -0.63745        k1      = 0.4             k2      = -0.01           k3      = 0             
+k3b     = 0               w0      = 2.5e-006        dvt0    = 1               dvt1    = 2             
+dvt2    = -0.032          dvt0w   = 0               dvt1w   = 0               dvt2w   = 0             
+dsub    = 0.1             minv    = 0.05            voffl   = 0               dvtp0   = 1e-011        
+dvtp1   = 0.05            lpe0    = 0               lpeb    = 0               xj      = 7.2e-009      
+ngate   = 1e+023          ndep    = 4.4e+018        nsd     = 2e+020          phin    = 0             
+cdsc    = 0               cdscb   = 0               cdscd   = 0               cit     = 0             
+voff    = -0.09           nfactor = 1.8             eta0    = 0.0105          etab    = 0             
+vfb     = 0.55            u0      = 0.011           ua      = 2e-009          ub      = 5e-019        
+uc      = 0               vsat    = 170000          a0      = 1               ags     = 1e-020        
+a1      = 0               a2      = 1               b0      = 0               b1      = 0             
+keta    = -0.047          dwg     = 0               dwb     = 0               pclm    = 0.12          
+pdiblc1 = 0.001           pdiblc2 = 0.001           pdiblcb = 3.4e-008        drout   = 0.56          
+pvag    = 1e-020          delta   = 0.01            pscbe1  = 8.14e+008       pscbe2  = 9.58e-007     
+fprout  = 0.2             pdits   = 0.08            pditsd  = 0.23            pditsl  = 2300000       
+rsh     = 5               rdsw    = 230             rsw     = 72.5            rdw     = 72.5          
+rdswmin = 0               rdwmin  = 0               rswmin  = 0               prwg    = 0             
+prwb    = 0               wr      = 1               alpha0  = 0.074           alpha1  = 0.005         
+beta0   = 30              agidl   = 0.0002          bgidl   = 2.1e+009        cgidl   = 0.0002        
+egidl   = 0.8             aigbacc = 0.012           bigbacc = 0.0028          cigbacc = 0.002         
+nigbacc = 1               aigbinv = 0.014           bigbinv = 0.004           cigbinv = 0.004         
+eigbinv = 1.1             nigbinv = 3               aigc    = 0.0097          bigc    = 0.00125       
+cigc    = 0.0008          aigsd   = 0.0097          bigsd   = 0.00125         cigsd   = 0.0008        
+nigc    = 1               poxedge = 1               pigcd   = 1               ntox    = 1             
+xrcrg1  = 12              xrcrg2  = 5             

+cgso    = 6.5e-011        cgdo    = 6.5e-011        cgbo    = 2.56e-011       cgdl    = 2.653e-010    
+cgsl    = 2.653e-010      ckappas = 0.03            ckappad = 0.03            acde    = 1             
+moin    = 15              noff    = 0.9             voffcv  = 0.02          

+kt1     = -0.11           kt1l    = 0               kt2     = 0.022           ute     = -1.5          
+ua1     = 4.31e-009       ub1     = 7.61e-018       uc1     = -5.6e-011       prt     = 0             
+at      = 33000         

+fnoimod = 1               tnoimod = 0             

+jss     = 0.0001          jsws    = 1e-011          jswgs   = 1e-010          njs     = 1             
+ijthsfwd= 0.01            ijthsrev= 0.001           bvs     = 10              xjbvs   = 1             
+jsd     = 0.0001          jswd    = 1e-011          jswgd   = 1e-010          njd     = 1             
+ijthdfwd= 0.01            ijthdrev= 0.001           bvd     = 10              xjbvd   = 1             
+pbs     = 1               cjs     = 0.0005          mjs     = 0.5             pbsws   = 1             
+cjsws   = 5e-010          mjsws   = 0.33            pbswgs  = 1               cjswgs  = 3e-010        
+mjswgs  = 0.33            pbd     = 1               cjd     = 0.0005          mjd     = 0.5           
+pbswd   = 1               cjswd   = 5e-010          mjswd   = 0.33            pbswgd  = 1             
+cjswgd  = 5e-010          mjswgd  = 0.33            tpb     = 0.005           tcj     = 0.001         
+tpbsw   = 0.005           tcjsw   = 0.001           tpbswg  = 0.005           tcjswg  = 0.001         
+xtis    = 3               xtid    = 3             

+dmcg    = 0               dmci    = 0               dmdg    = 0               dmcgt   = 0             
+dwj     = 0               xgw     = 0               xgl     = 0             

+rshg    = 0.4             gbmin   = 1e-010          rbpb    = 5               rbpd    = 15            
+rbps    = 15              rbdb    = 15              rbsb    = 15              ngcon   = 1             

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

stm32f103c8 adc example _001

stm32f103c8 adc example

  • The schematic of the stm32f103 evaluation board.

  • The pin placement of the board.

  • Adc diagram of the board

  • Simple Adc connection

Engineer Computer Specs

Engineer Computer Specs

SpecsProsConsBest For
i3 processor4-8gb RAMIntegrated GPULightweight,cheap, can run MatLaB, DAQ Boards software, programming software and all other engineering software with no issues.Can’t run 3D software and CAE software efficiently.Electrical
Software Engineering
i5 processor8GB RAMIntegrated CPUlightweight, Can run all engineering software including and CAE software lightly.more expensive can’t run 3D softwareElectrical
Software Enginering 
i5 processor
might be lightweight, run ALL Software including 3D , enough for all CAE work as an undergradexpensive, can’t run 3D projects at a professional level.Mechanical
Aeronautical Aerospace 
 i7 quad core
256gb SSD
Same as above with increased performancePricey,heavy,low battery life, still not powerful enough for 3D work outside undergrad curriculum.MechanicalCivilAerospace Aeronautical 
i7 processor
SSD Drive
Run all software including all 3D Software and rendering with very complex projects outside of a typical undergraduate curriculumExtremely Pricey,extremely heavy, not necessary for undergraduate work. Professional Engineers

Saturday, March 3, 2018

stm32 ide, Keil

KEIL Installing _001
  • We are downloading the keil software from the KEIL site.

  • After the download, we install the necessary package during the installation.

  • After next steps, installation will be completed.

Friday, March 2, 2018

stm cubemx

(continued) _002

  • After selection the interested MCU, we determine the pins and their features from this section.

stm32cubemx welcome


  •  This is the main stm cubemx screen. We click the new project.